Tiger eye: A member of the Amazon Trio and Deadmoon Circus
Third eye power: Prince Diamond's power
T*A Private School for Girls: Ray's high school she attends
Taiki Kou: She a Starlight named Sailor Star  Maker
Thunder whip: Avery's attack
Uncanny Sisters: The four sisters to the blackmoon family: Prisma, Katsy, Birdy and Avery
Ves-Ves: She is part of the amazon quartet and she become Sailor Vesta in the manga
Wiseman: Evil Leader over the Blackmoon family
World Shaking power: Sailor Uranus attack
Xenolite: Evil twin to Zeolite and they are guardians for the amazon quartet in the manga and work for the Deadmoon Circus
Yaten Kou: She is a Starlight and becomes Sailor Star Healer
Zirconia: Evil ring master to the Deadmoon Circus
Zircon: Flying eyeball pet that belongs to Zirconia
Zeolite: Evil Twin to Xenolite and is a guardian over the amzaon quartet and works for the Deadmon Circus in the manga
Zoisite: The 3rd general that works for the negaverse
A to F/ G to L/ M to S/ T to z