The Black Moon Kingdom
Romance Series Part 1/Part 2
Rubues is the boss of the Ayakashi sisters. They are the first lot of the Black Moon Kingdom. They are after the crystal points of Tokyo. He didn't have much luck with the sisters so he tries to kill them but Sailor Moon healed them. He eventually kidnaps the four inner scouts and Chibi  into he's UFO. Sailor Moon and Chibi manage to destroy the crystal which works the UFO by pushing it over. They manage to get away leaving Rubues to die in the explosion.
Karaberas is the second oldest Ayakashi sister. She carries a whip around with her. She is sort of like Venus. In the manga she almost got away by kid napping Sailor Venus but Sailor Moon killed her before she did. In the anime she is healed by Sailor Moon. 
Beruche is the second youngest Ayakashi sister. She is obsessed with the way she looks. Birdy is sort of like Sailor Mercury. In the manga  she does kidnap Sailor Mercury but was killed By Moon. In the anime she is healed.
Cooan is the youngest Ayakashi sister. She is like Sailor Mars. Her job is to find Chibi usa. In the manga she went as a student to Rei's high school and she kidnaps Sailor Mars and gets killed. In the anime healed by Moon.
Petz is the oldest Ayakashi sister. She is in secretly in love to Prince Safir and tries to help him when the Wiseman attack him. When Rubues gave her a magic stick that increase her powers. She was prepared to kill the others but was told it's not worth dying. So she is healed too. Petz is like Sailor Jupiter.
Prince Demando
Prince Demando is the head of the Black Moon Family. He wants his people to live on earth but first have to kill off the civilization that's already there. The Wiseman was using them and he discovers from Safir. He is in love with the Neo - Queen which is Sailor Moon. He manage to capture her but rescued by Tuxedo Mask. That's when Demando realizes that the Wiseman was cheating and saved Neo - Queen from the Wiseman powers. He ended up dying in Usagi's arms
Prince Safir
Prince Safir is Demando young Brother. He worries a lot about him. When he discovers that the Wiseman was using them. Safir tries to take away the vital piece of crystal that was used to call the death phantom. He was attacked by the  Wiseman and so escape to the 20th century Tokyo. He is found by the Ayakashi sisters as humans and took him back to their flat. Prisma wash and badge his wounds. Then he told her to keep the navy blue jacket safe. Then he left out into the street where he met his doom. Wiseman appeared and killed him nearby Demando stand in horror. 
Esmeraude is the replacement of Rubues. She appears when he was in the burning UFO just before it explodes. Her job is to grow the black energy in a certain spots. This would open the Black Gate which is their weapon to destroy earth. She is very vain and carries a fan around. She loves Demando but he doesn't feel the same for her. Esmeraude is jealous of him because of Sailor Moon. Esmeraude ended up dying from using a magic crown which change her into a dragon. Then Sailor team destroy her.
Black Lady
It's Chibi Usa  given a major make over by the evil Wiseman. Reason why  is that Chibi flet ignored by her parents and the team so she took the evil powers into her body and flet strong than ever. She is a cool villain and always wants to destroy the sailor scouts. She still has her luna P which clams to be a toy. Reeny tired to change back by using moon powers but Wiseman prevented her to change back. When all the Black Moon Family died she tried to kill Sailor Moon again but receives her memories back. Then she return back to her normal size again. In the manga she stays as a teenager  a while before she shrinks back to little Chibi again.
The leader over all the family. He is the Death phantom in a different form. He tries to use the Black Moon Family as bait but failed. He ended up being killed by  Neo - Queen Serenity and Small Lady. 
