The Chaos Galaxy
Queen Galaxia
Known to be as the golden senshi. She is the leader for her henchman  the animates out to find star seeds for her. If any of her senshis fail their bracelets are removed and they disintegrate. She manage to kill Sailor Moon and the senshis in battle after chaos emerge himself into to her body making her stronger and causing her to loose the gold uniform and change into black. Usagi placed the star seed into to her to transform her for good. She really has gold and red long hair and wears a white dress. She is one of the most powerful senshi  in the galaxy.
A mysterious leader. He merge himself into Galaxia's body to make her stronger to defeat  Eternal  Sailor Moon. He died once Moon placed the star seed into Galaxia's body to change her into a good person that she was before.
Sailor Iron Mouse
First Animate sent to earth. Earth name was Nezu Chuuko. She got around wearing pinstripe outfits, sunnies, hat and a umbrella. She didn't do a good job at finding where the star seed was so it Galaxia removed her bracelets and she vanished for good. 
Sailor Aluminium Siren
Second Animate to go. Earth name is Aya Reiko. She wore a Purple outfit with sunnies and a hand bag. She manage to find out who had a the star seed. But before she could say anything Galaxia removed her bracelets and she vanished for good.
Sailor Tin Cat
Sailor Tin Cat was the last of the Anime characters in the clan. She manage to knock off one of the Starlights with cat paw gun. She wears weird outfit consisting of yellow top, white coat and black pants, black sunnies and her hair inside a white hat. Her earth name is Suzu Nyanko. Suzu visited the Juuban High and probably recognised by the sailor senshis. Well she didn't do much either so she was vanished too.
Sailor Lead Crow
Sailor Lead Crow went to earth in secret hiding from Siren. Her earth name is Karasuma Akane.  As Karasuma she wears a white frilly top, sunnies, black hat, black with red out line vest with cream pants. She didn't have much luck in finding anything just like every other Senshi she too was vanished from the team.
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
If you are wondering what a Papillon is well it's a butterfly. She is only a Manga character and her wings resembles the wings of a swallow tail butterfly. She almost killed the senshis but the Amazon Quartet done their jungle arrow on her. So that saved Galaxia from vanishing her from the team.
Sailor Chi & Phi
These are the first lot of evil twins that Galaxia has.  They both carry around spears as weapons and manage to kill Sailor Fireball. These are only Manga characters would have got killed by Galaxia. Their names are part of the greek alphabet and are featured as X and a circle with a line through it.
Sailor Lethe & Mnemosyne
These are the other pair of evil Magna twins. Sailor Lethe is the scout of the River Oblivion and her twin is Sailor Mnemosyne. They carry around long magical staffs which contains their powers and are able to brain wash anybody's memory once they are near the desert river. The pair were killed off by Sailor Chi and Phi. These two are also named after Greek goddess.