The Dark Negaverse
In the anime Queen Beryl had the four generals working for her but in the manga they were guardians for Prince Endymion  on earth. When they died Tuxedo Mask keeps them in a stone form and protects him from evil spirits. Very WWWIIIEERRD. The inners scouts were believed to have a romantic link to the generals in the manga well it is not a true thing to believe in. The only proof is a manga picture and usually it doesn't relate to the Sailor Moon story line it is just a picture.
Queen Metallia
Queen Metallia is a large sticky mass which controls the Negaverse. Her plan is to have control over earth. When Beryl got hurt by Tuxedo Mask's rose Metallia infuses her self into Beryl's body. When they were fighting Queen Serenity manage to kill them both with her powers.
Queen Beryl 
She is the second ruler of the Negaverse. She has control over the four generals. Beryl manage to get
Mamoru to work for her as a general by brain washing his memories of Sailor Moon and moon kingdom. When the sailor scouts arrived they were seeing illusions of their friends in the sky. Most of them ended up falling into Beryl's trap. Sailor Moon manage to make it inside and destroyed Beryl along with help from Mamoru.
Evil Mamoru
Mamoru is defiantly villain material. He was brain washed by Beryl and started to collect the crystal carriers. His first job was to get the crystal off Sailor Moon but ends up saving her each time a monster was planing to kill her. One time he came across Sailor Jupiter and slammed her into the alley wall. He dosent act hard core like all the other generals and seemed calm and organized about his plans. He doesn't like working with Malachite. So Mamoru did change back after Sailor Moon save him from Beryl.
The first general sent to earth to find energy. He is very powerful and changes into different identities each time. He manages to find Sailor Moons, Mars and Mercury's identity. Unfortunately he fails he task and Beryl locks him inside a eternity crystal for life. In the manga he's skeleton body is recovered in a ancient coffin. Very scary! If you seen it.
Zoisite is a male but in the anime  he's a women with a bad attitude. He hates Sailor Moon. Of course he attacked Tuxedo Mask when Beryl didn't want to happen. In the end he is banished for good. In the anime one time he made himself into a copy of Sailor Moon and draw the crowd by saving a a man  who was window washing from falling off a building. Her uniform was purple and Dark blue.  Also he made a trap by hanging himself up on a crane hook and waited for Tuxedo Mask to come and rescue him then bang he is gone
He is the last of them. Malachite is said to the most powerful general out of the four. He had to share the role of getting the imperial sliver crystal from sailor moon with Mamoru. Malachlite died when his weapons can back at him. Malachite is Zoisite trainer and he comforts him.
The second general to go to earth to find energy. He stays as one fake person and falls in love with Naru he stuck by her every move she made. Naru became worried once she found out that he was after her energy. He fails also but became good when he died. Of course Naru was at he's side after Zoisite killed him