The Dead Moon Circus
Queen Neherenia
She is the leader of the Dead Moon family. She was the one who change Helios in to Peragus the flying unicorn. They search for on earth the soul mirrors inside victims bodies. In the end she remembered her young self as a child that rule over the kingdom and I think  Eternal Sailor Moon gave her those thoughts to her. From there she was trapped in the mirror for ever.
He uses to be a she but acts like the ring master of the bunch. He watches over the trio and quartet while they go to earth in a disguises. Zirconia was the wizard who created the trio from water, land and sky animals. If he did fail he will be killed by Neherenia or the sailor scouts. He helps the trio when it comes to mirror soul time. First they release a backboard thing down onto the victims back. Then restrain clamps hold the victim down then the machine removes the soul mirror from the body. he also has a pet flying eye ball called Zircon.
Tigereye is the first lot of the trio. He was created from a tiger and carries a whip around with him. He loves women that smells fresh and young. One time he pounced on a girl named Miharu. She was about Chibi's age poor thing. He's outfit consist of a white top with black frill edges, yellow tights with orange stripes and black feminine boots.
He is the second member of the threesome. Created from a hawk and having prefect eye sight to see over long range. He likes older women and their perfume smell bodies. One time he swoops on Minako from the sailor team and uses her as a victim.  Hes outfit consist of grey wrap around top grey pants with a grey  waist skirt with brown boots.
He is the feminine guy out of the three. He loves getting guy pictures and charming them to love her. From a fish that is strange unless you like kissing them. He goes to earth as a girl or a feminine guy. I think a girl looks suits him the best. One time he had a dream of kissing Mamoru which could have came true in the TV series. yyyuuukkyyy!. He wears a all blue bubble like outfit with a pink fish skeleton in the middle of the outfit and blue slip ons.
Xenotime & Zeolite
They are the evil twins and guardians to the Amazon quartet. They could be the freak show main attraction. They only appear in the manga and they help out the trio when it comes to fight or find soul mirrors.
Jun - Jun
Jun - Jun is one amazon  person in the quartet. Jun-Jun becomes Sailor Juno in the manga. Juno looks like a tough girl to fight off in battle. She wears a brown and green bra top with green baggy pants and green strap on shoes. Juno is like Sailor Jupiter.
Cere - Cere
Cere - Cere is the pink flower girl. Cere-Cere becomes the leader to the Sailor Amazon Quartet when they are healed by Moon. She becomes Sailor Cere in the manga. Ceres wears a pink bra top with yellow skirt and strap on pink shoes. I think she is a nice cool character which probably can handle  leading the quartet into battle. Ceres is like Sailor Venus.
Ves - Ves
Ves - Ves is the red prickled shoulder one and carries a whip around as a weapon. Ves-Ves becomes Sailor Vesta in the manga. Vesta wears a red bra top with a red skirt and strap on shoes. Another tough looking girl. Vesta is like Sailor Mars.
Palla - Palla
Palla - Palla is the blue one that wears blue sphere outfit. She becomes Sailor Pallas in the manga. Pallas must be the carefree one. She wears a blue corset type outfit with blue strap on shoes. Pallas is like Sailor Mercury.