The Death Busters
Professor Souichi Tomoe
Tomeo is the leader of the Death Busters. He is out to get Pharaoh 90 to earth. In a lab explosion Hotaru was killed but he wished her to remain alive and well. Soon he started to wear a glass eye which contain a evil demon inside. He becomes very weird and manage to encourage his daughter to become a villainous. When the demon removed itself from Tomoe and began to fight him but Sailor Uranus and Neptune came to the rescue. By the end of the Sailor Moon Super Series he loses he's memory about Pharaoh 90 and starts to love he's daughter again.
Mistress 9
It's Hotaru Tomoe doing the evil make over thing. Mistress 9 shares the leadership with her weird father. She is a powerful witch.  She manage to cause a huge destruction war on Tokyo and the senshis had a hard time trying to battle her since she used her powers and the Silence Glave. Soon enough Sailor moon would  have found a way to destory the evil within her and bring her back to normal.  Mistress 9 is also a cool villainous but unlike being brain washed by evil leader she went to earth and kept the secret to herself that she is Mistress 9. Any way she manages to become friends with Chibi usa by meeting her in the park.
Kaolinite is a  witch. She is very powerful but she doesn't get killed by the scouts. Her mission is to find the heart crystals. She forgets everything about Pharaoh 90 but continues to live and love Souichi through as a house maid. Mistress 9 destroys her for living past the used by date. (Is that a bit too late Hotaru).  Kaolinite wears a red dress with black high heels and the manga dress is black like the one above. 
Pharaoh 90
The space warp leader of the Death Busters. Aim to have the crystals and to bring him to earth. Some how the sailor scouts manage to kill him. I don't know how but every villain leader has to die.
She is the first witch to be sent out to collect heart crystals. She uses a machine called the Fire Buster which zaps out heart crystals. She manage to discover and accomplishes a lot. Eudial found out the identities of the sailor scouts and steals Neptune and Uranus heart crystals. She ends up killed by Mimete. When Eudial was escaping a attack by the scouts she jumped into her car full of snails. While driving along a road that ends off at the sea she was unable to pull the brakes. Mimete took the brakes out too and she plunged down into the sea.  Eudial wears a red bra top, black stirp skirt, Red bagy pants and red cross strap shoes.
Mimete is the most annoying witch of the lot. Mimete is crazy and has a stupid taste for fashion. She wears a goofy black outfit and has short curly hair. She uses a loving powers to wove guys to fall in love with her. She uses ducks to grab heart crystals and give them to her to put in her staff. She dies by making a television with her in it. Tellu came along and pulled the plug on her. Bye bye Mimete.  Mimete wears a black goofy dress with orange stars on her stomach, yellow petty coat and yellow tights with yellow with black diamonds on the shoes.
Cryprine & Pikuroll
The evil twins that carry the most power out of the five. They went to Juuban Junior high and took heart crystals from students there. They manage to teleport the inner scouts to their office. The sailor scouts were trapped and they tried to fight but get blown away by the twins powers. Then Sailor Mercury used the magic mist and Jupiter and Mars separated the two. Some how they manage to kill each other with their own power. The twins wears black poofy dresses with their hair colour around the edge. They also wear tights the same colour as their hair with black slip ons.
She is the third witch. Her way of getting crystals is through the love of her plants. When a heap of customers have enter the shop she then locks the door and the plants do the rest. Then Super Sailor Moon, Pluto and Chibi Moon made a back door visit. She then unleashes a evil blood sucking plant on them. Soon Tuxedo Mask made a visit and he manages to release the heart crystals by a rose. Tellu was going to make a stage exit but her plant got the best of her. Dying with a green thumb.  Tellu wears a black dress and has green hair, blue eyes and purple earrings.
Viluy plan is to uses a computers to take heart crystals. She poses as a computer student at Mugen Gakuen High. Viluy manage to make friends with Ami but Haruka and Michiru knew something weird going on and that Hotaru  was in danger. So Viluy reveals herself and proceed to attack them. Ami was the first to transform as Sailor Mercury and started throwing her powers at her. Viluy is much to powerful then the rest of the sailor scouts come and Uranus and Neptune made a transformation. They made their attack and manage to break her arm bracelet. After that she died.  Viluy wears a dress coloured blueish grey and with purple triangles on them. Her hat is the same colour with blue eyes and ribbion earrings.  She also wears blueish boots and same with a bracelet on her right arm.