The anime families shown in the series

The Tsukino Family
The Tsukino Family is Usagi's family. They are the most seen family members in the show. Usagi's mum named  Ikuko and her father Kenji. Usagi has a young annoying brother named Shingo. Like any normal family they fight, talk and love each other when ever they needed to support a family member.

The Hino Family
Rei Hino's family doesn't make any appearance the anime. Her only loving relative is her granddad. Her home is at the temple and works there for a living. Rei also has her friend Kumada and her to crows Phobos and Deimos to keep her company.

The Tomoe Family
Hotaru Tomoe has a similar life to Rei but her father is a professor and spend his time the lab. When taking his daughter Hotaru to visit hes new creation she went too close and the machine exploded and leaving Tomoe holding her in hes arms. He became filled with evil spirit and manage to ask can he bring back hes only daughter to live. When the evil approached them he became a demon carrier and starts working out evil plans for the Pharoah 90. Hotaru's mother Keiko died in a car crash when she was a baby. Hotaru grew up with the help of the three outer scouts and became her real parents in the manga
The manga families
These may been mention in the anime but probably shown in the manga
The Mizuno Family
Ami's mother has made a appearance in the manga her mother is a doctor and Ami would like to become a doctor too just like her mother. Ami's Dad is in the manga but Ami rarely see's him about since he is busy too.

Hino Family

Rei did have parents a loving mother and a busy father who didn't visit hes daughter a lot. So Rei grew to not like men due to her fathers lack of loving her. Her mother past away leaving Rei to live with her grandfather and her two pet crows at the Cherry tree temple.
The Kino Family
Makoto's family history has just been discovered. They turn out to have died in a airplane accident. I wonder how  Makoto copes with being alone. Well she isn't alone she has the team to keep her from remembering the tragic moment in her life. Makoto has her own appartment and the team do tend to visit for some home cooking.
The Shields Family
Mamoru's past is sad too. Having to loose both his parents in a car crash and being left alone. Now he has Usagi his daughter Chibi to cheer him up and fight through the evil that enters their lives.
The Aino Family
Minako does have parents that appear in the Sailor V series. They look similar to Usagi's parents in anime but Minako doesn't have a brother or sister it's just herself. Minako did have Katarina looking after her since she left london and her Sailor V identity and became Sailor Venus.