Sailor Kinmoku
(Princess Kakyuu)

Kinmoku means: Fragrant olive since she bears the olive flower on her forehead.
She is the princess and ruler of the imperial kingdom  called the Red Cercis on the planet Kinmoku same place the Starlight's came from. Kakyuu did have a lover but was killed by Galaxia in the manga. She came to earth and got lost so the starlight's mission is to find her. In the manga (comic) she does become a sailor scout called Sailor Kinmoku but Galaxia took her sailor crystal and Sailor Chi and Phi despatched her by spearing her through the stomach . yyyyyuuuukkkkk But cool. In the Anime (TV  series)  Chibi Chibi  help her to find planet , Using the chalice. While on earth her star seed is stolen by Galaxia and she dies along with the other scouts . After the big war they fraught they manage to come back to life again and  the princess and starlight's return to their home planet. 