Your guide to juubangai
You may be think what is this thing well this page is design to show all places that the scouts
live, visit,  learn and hang out. So check out the A to Z of suburb Juubangai in
Minato-Ku Tokyo. All information is from the Hotoshi Dictionary on sailor moon
Amusement Parks
The scouts visit there once Dark kingdom attacked it.
The Three Lights performed a outdoor concert.
Juuban Shrine Kouen
Chibi usa and Hotaru met here for the first time.
Ichinohashi Park
Seiya and Usagi went there on their first date.
The Juuban Matsuris festival
Rei and the crew organized the day out.
Albert Einstein School for the gifted
Ami attends there each night
Azabu Insitute of Technology
Mamoru, Motoki and Rieka attend the institute.
Crystal Seminar
Ami attended there once and crammed  work for school test.
Juuban Elementary School
Chibi usa attends there for schooling.
Juuban High School
Usagi, Ami, Makoto, Minako, Haruka, Michiru and I think Seiya, Taiki and Yaten all attended here.
Juuban Junior High
Usagi, Ami and Makoto attends there.
T*A Private School for Girls
Rei remained at this school.
Shibakouen Junior High
Minako started here before moving to Juuban Junior High
Mugen Gakuen High
Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru attend here before they moved to Juuban High except Hotaru.
the evil droids from the Dark kingdom.
Animal Sanctuary
The team visited here to find Luna or Artemis and fight out the evil doers running the place.
Pensions Adams Hotel
A Secluded Hotel which Usagi, Ami and the gang went for a break.
The Luxury Cruise
This was when Rei one a trip to go on a romantic cruise along with Ami but Usagi snuck in by using the Luna Pen aboard to find Evil was controling the ship. So they ended up fighting them off.
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