Sailor Mercury
DIC Name : Amy Anderson
Original Name : Ami Mizuno
Birth : September 10th
Star sign : Virgo
Fav colour : Aquamarine
Hobbies : Reading , chess
Fav food : Sandwiches
Least fav food : Hamachi
Fav subject : Mathematics
Least fav subject : None
Troubles with : Love letters
Strong point : Calculating
Dream : To be a doctor
Fav gemstone : Sapphire

School Attendance
Juuban high
Juuban Junior High

Name meaning
Ami Mizuno means
Friend of the Water

Facts about Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury)
  • Ami Mizuno is the first senshi in the inners and appeared in the first series of Sailor moon.
  • Ami Mizuno is the brainy one out of every one on the time and uses a small computer to find out information and solve problems and as a communicator to contact the other sailor senshis when need of help.
  • Ami also loves chess and beats Beruche at a competition which ended up in a fight for energy.
  • Ami has the power to call up and use the element water as her powers.
  • Ami had a short time lover called Ryo Uwara (Greg). He managed to beat her in a test which kind of made her feel jealous. From there they fell in love but Ryo was bait for the Negaverse as a Rainbow crystal carrier.
  • Ami is a over achiever at school making her friends beg her for her study secrets. But she was beaten once by her boy friend Ryo but she didn't really care until she found out that Ryo was in trouble with the negaverse. Ami told him that you have to bulid your own future and not use his powers to predict them.


