Adult Friends
All these are anime characters

DIC name : Miss Patricia Haruna
(Sakurada Haruna)
Miss Haruna is a single teacher that teaches Usagi, Naru and Umino at Juuban Junior High. She always catches Usagi eating and sleeping in class. One time she came to her class with a strange purple flower which started to drain her energy. That's is when the negaverse was here. Sailor Moon manage to get rid of the plant and she return back to normal again. Miss Haruna also works out and Usagi did get jealious of how beautiful her teachers body looked. Miss Haruna soon disappears as Usagi and the gang move up to high school.

Queen Serenity
She is known as the original mother to all the sailor scout princess. She is Usagi's real mother. When the Negaverse war broke out all the scouts were sent to earth and Usagi and Mamoru separated. On earth they found each other with the help of Queen Serenity. I think she died since the war and only appears real to Usagi. It was up to her mother to send everyone to earth and use the  moon crystal wand also to send it to earth in order of her daughter sailor moon to use it against Queen Beryl. But once Beryl was destroyed Usagi lost the wand while returning to earth.

DIC name: Andrew
( Motoki Furuhata)
Motoki is the owner of Crown Game Arcade and is Usagi's other friend. He is a close friend to Mamoru. They often talk about the funny things that happens to Usagi.He wittnesses Reika being attacked by zoisite and is bound to see more action from the sailor senshis attacking the evil villains that plague Juuban.
DIC name: Rita
( Reika)
She is Motoki's girl friend that went to Africa to study fossils. But evil Mamoru appeared and sucked her into the black crystal along with the other black shadow victims. So you get to see her in the anime series of Sailor Moon.She was also a rainbow crystal carrier too and was attacked by zoisite but saved by the sailor senshis.She has long brown wavey hair and brown eyes and is a geologist at a university.
Naru's mum
Naru's has her mum make appearance in the anime series. There is not a lot to say about her but she must love Naru's a lot.  She also runs a Jewellery shop.I believe that her store was attacked by the negaverse or blackmoon family but I think it was the negaverse.She has red short hair and green eyes and she is very nice person.
Mika's mum
Mika's mother made a appearance too in the episode called Danger Dolls or Dollies. She has short blue hair and a very kind smile. She and her daughter Mika always entered the Doll Exhibitions in which the scouts visited and met trouble by the negaverse. They manage to save Mika from the evil droid and Shingo made friends with her again.
Adult friends