Phobos & Deimos
Fav food : Bird seed & sun seeds
Hobbies : Watch TV & eating
Fav colours : Red & blue
Like : Sunshine & birdbaths
Dislike : Cats & window panes

Short Story description on Phobos & Deimos

Phobos & Deimos were once crows and they made home at Rei's temple and they also guardians too. They can only be seen in the manga. They become human twins and they joined the team to destroy the villains. In the manga they ended up getting killed by one of their own kind. Sailor Lead crow blew them away with her Galactica Tornado.In the manga, they did appear as crows, but they also appeared in their Sailor forms when Sailor Mars was in trouble. They came to the rescue and gave powers to Mars and she killed Tigereye . After that they disappeared leaving Rei puzzled who were those girls?
