Sailor V
Sailor V is a Minako's own character series. This was made before Sailor Moon series was created so people knew a lot about Minako and her adventures in Tokyo and how she protected it from the evil forces. Her heroine life is like Sailor Moon but without her scout team but she has a hero named Ace . They fight through evil in the manga comic books. It's surprizing that Sailor Venus has her own comic book adventure and none of the other scouts don't. In the Sailor V series Minako had her own parents, police friend Katarina, little school fan Emi and the Mysterious man named Ace. In the Sailor Moon series she appeared to the scouts when they were trapped by Zoisite and Machalite dome the show showed her as Sailor V her other character but not mention her name Sailor V just Sailor Venus.
Ace is Sailor V side kick. He sort like Tuxdeo Mask but wears a white shirt , Black pants no top hat and no cape. He has the white mask and blonde hair. He only can be found in the manga  (comic).  Here is a picture of him. His full name is Katiou ace. He is know to appear at the TV stations and leaves cards mark with a Ace sign on it. For more info go to Code name Sailor V site on my links page
Sailor v