Sailor Star Maker
Name : Taiki Kou
Birth : May 30th
Age : 16
Star sign : Gemini
Hobbies : Reciting poetry
Fav food : Sushi
Fav subject : Literature
Responsibilities : Guitar , Keyboard
Troubles with : Arguments
Sailor Star Fighter
Name : Seiya Kou
Birth : July 30th
Age : 16
Star sign : Leo
Hobbies : American football
Fav food  : Hamburgers
Fav subject : Physical Ed
Responsibilities : Lead vocal( keyboard & writing lyrics)
Troubles with : Girls
Sailor Star Healer
Name : Yaten Kou
Birth : February 8th
Age : 16
Star sign : Aquarius
Hobbies : Camera photography
Fav food : Caviar
Fav subject : Physical Ed
Responsibilities : Keyboard arrangements
Troubles with : Physical exertion
Facts about the Starlights (Taiki,Yaten and Seiya)
They may be girls but believe it or not they are guys. They aren't like Haruka they are loved by all their fans and they do kiss girls so they could be lesbians too. They are part of a band called the Three Lights.They came from their home planet called Kinmoku the same planet ruled by Princess Kakyuu. So they were out to find their Princess and bring her back to planet Kinmoku. The Starlights and Princess Kakyuu survied the big war between Sailor moon and Galaxia which cause a lot of destruction to the city of Tokyo. This is in the Sailor Stars 200 episode which does end  with a big bang!!. I seen the pictures on a site called Screen shots sailor moon which is on my links page. The Starlights in the manga do die while battling with Galaxia featured in a picture of Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion you can see Taiki's face marked on a cross.  Princess Kakyuu is also killed by Sailor Chi. after she killed Sailor Phi. Seiya appeared to Usagi in the anime as a trick to make her believe that she is Tuxedo Mask . In the Manga she dated Seiya while Mamoru was away on a trip.